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Humanistic Studies




Environmental Laws vs. Economic Freedom

In today’s society there is no longer a place for economic freedom for corporations when it comes to the environment. Corporations have reaped the benefits of formerly unregulated...
 english  1156  N/A  N/A  free

Ethical Issues and Concerns on Business

Ethics and business are intertwined. Since the personal values of a businessman is always at work every time he makes business decisions, one can not entirely divorce a man’s sense...
 english  3048  N/A  N/A  free

Evaluation Report on Community Policing Program

Community Policing program as discussed in this essay focuses on cooperation between police officers, the populace, public leaders, business owners, municipality and neighborhood stakeholders...
 english  1391  N/A  N/A  free

Factors that may vitiate an enforceable contract

The essay looks at the variuous factors that vitiate eThe circumstances under which a contract which is apparently complete and valid is vitiated are mistakes, misrepresentation, duress...
 english  1162  N/A  N/A  free

Formation and terms of sales contracts

This paper is a business law study which looks at the formation and terms of sales of contracts in business in order to understand the positive and negative terms in reference to the...
 english  1386  N/A  N/A  free

Genuine Exercise of Academic Freedom: The Key to the Non-Politicization of the Academe

This essay advances the proposition that the faculty’s genuine exercise of academic freedom is the key in isolating the academe from the politicization of the government as has been...
 english  1662  N/A  N/A  free

Gun Control

This paper will take the reader down the path of why the argument of gun control is one of the biggest contemporary problems we Americans face today.
 english  1873  N/A  N/A  free

Is the United States justice system flawed but fundamentally fair, or is it structurally racist?

Judicial system in any country is supposed to ensure that justice is administered properly and with fairness and equity. Unfortunately, judicial systems employed by many countries to...
 english  1036  N/A  N/A  free

Judiciary as the Mediator Among the Three Branches of Government

The Judiciary constitutes one of the most important components of any political machinery. Discussed in this article are evolution and development of the judiciary, its functions and...
 english  5919  N/A  N/A  free

Juvenile Delinquency and the Justice System

Presented in this article are the different issues and dimensions of the topic in juvenile delinquency. Discussed in this essay are the definition, causes, remedies and solutions to...
 english  6201  N/A  N/A  free
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