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Humanistic Studies




Of Friends and Friendship

A simple essay about friends and friendship. A simple token of good words about what a friend really is, and how to be good one.
 english  411  N/A  N/A  free

Of Nevski, Ivan the Great and Ivan the Terrible

Do you find Nevski a colorful personality in Russian history? Which of the two Russian Ivans do you admire more? Read in this essay these three great Russian leaders.
 english  1131  N/A  N/A  free

Running Out of Time

The Thai are a diligent people, but something is wrong with the country's politics and economy. Political will is at a lost. The traffic problem is worse. Read my essay to understand...
 english  372  N/A  N/A  free

Stalin vs. Trotsky: The Peasant and the Professor

Two personalities in contrast, two political figures in comparison and two world visionaries with their theories and ideas of government---Trotsky and Stalin are two interesting subjects...
 english  672  N/A  N/A  free

The Achievements and Failures of President Arroyo’s Administration

Next to late President Ferdinand Marcos, the administration of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is next to the longest administration who ever lead our country.
 english  759  N/A  N/A  free

The Evidence of Metrosexuality in the Philippine Market and Advertisement Industry

A new brand of sexuality of men has been emerging. This paper discusses the prevalence of metrosexuality in the Philippines as a third-world country. A review of the emergence of metrosexuality...
 english  3946  N/A  N/A  free

The Great Asian Reformists and Nationalists

I discussed in this essay the great 4 of Asian nationalists, superb Asian personalities who served as the key in emancipating their people from the bondage of slavery from Western powers.
 english  1166  N/A  N/A  free

THE NEW WOMAN (1880-1920 fiction in relation to contemporary views on woman and femininity examining portrayal...

This is an essay project that has discussed on the new woman in reference from the late nineteenth century. It entails entails the historical aspect, and the rise of the new women...
 english  10909  N/A  N/A  free

The Rosenbergs

The first execution case for espionage committed in the history of the United States.
 english  461  N/A  N/A  free

The Stolen Generations

Australia's 'The Stolen Generations' is about the Australian governments actions against the first people who owned this land how they stole their children and forced them to be virtual...
 english  4823  N/A  N/A  free
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