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Humanistic Studies




Holden Caulfield- Inner Journey Monologue

A world full of iniquity and corruption. A world inhabited by an insipid, insecure and ‘phony’ populace. Such a world I concocted in my mind and was immersed in. And such a world...
 english  850  N/A  N/A  free

How has your study forced you to re-evaluate your ways of thinking?

retreat from the global Ext I English essay. retreat from the global essay using core 2 core texts studied in HSC syllabus (The Shipping News and Seamus Heaney's poetry) along with...
 english  2027  N/A  N/A  free

Importance of Myth and Folklore as Forms of Literature

Mythology and folklore are two fictional literature that continue to entertain and give delight to the minds of readers. I discussed in this essay the significance of myths and folklore...
 english  767  N/A  N/A  free

In the context of your critical study, to what extent does your response to the closing scenes of Hamlet inform...

An essay about how the ending scene of Hamlet inform's ones judgement of the play as a whole. It explores the philosophical questions Hamlet as a text asks the audience and focuses...
 english  710  N/A  N/A  free

Individual and Authority

Analysis of the relationship between an indiviual and their authority. Texts include: Catch 22 -Joseph Heller Thank you for Smoking One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest - Kesey
 english  1467  N/A  N/A  free

John Stuart Mill's influence and significance

This paper looks at John Stuart Mill's influence and significance in the society and academic field.He has showed a lot contributions to several areas of philosophy and also a civic...
 english  1224  N/A  N/A  free


This essay was used for 2006 hsc area of study Journeys. It recieved 15/15. Required readings were Coleridge's poems, and it also includes three sets of related material and information...
 english  2637  N/A  N/A  free


English assessment on journeys including the 4 texts on physical journey.
 english  840  N/A  N/A  free

Julius Caesar

This a is summary of the play Julius Caesar, written by Shakespeare. This essay talks about the assaination of Ceaser by the conspirators and then the events which took place after...
 english  619  N/A  N/A  free

Julius Caesar's Tragedy

This is an essay I did in High School for English. It is about Julius Caesar and his terrible tragedy!
 english  716  N/A  N/A  free
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