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Humanistic Studies





This essay is about adolescence. It has discussed the stages involved in adolescence,effects and solution to adolescence.

language english
wordcount 3138 (cca 8.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 5
Table of contents

1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Physical Changes 1
3.0 Parent Teenage Relationship 2
4.0 Problems Associated with Emotional Development 3
5.0 Factors Affecting Emotional Development 8
6.0 Conclusion 9

Preview of the essay: Adolescence

Adolescence This can be defined as the period between the ages of twelve years to twenty years. It is characterized by the self identity factor an age of identifying one self and where belief in his/ herself. All human beings have to pass through this controversial period/stage that depicts their character and their future relations with the society. It is associated with various changes which are classified as follows: physical changes, Psychological changes, emotional changes. All three changes tend to inter- relate in one way or another are involved in affecting the growth of a child during this period that can also be termed as puberty. . (Dennis C., John O. Mitterer (2007) 2.0 Physical Changes. This process takes rapid changes in the body can be termed as puberty. Its onset is gradual and it varies from girls to boys. For boys its onset can be gauged from thirteen ...

... also have learned about technology where they surf for information and also expose them to cyber crimes as underage cyber sex.due to these effects the teenagers should try and protect themselves. In all aspects on emotional development, whether its drug abuse, romantic /sex, suicide, bullying, teens should be taught about being responsible by taking well thought out decisions and consequences of irresponsible behavior. And as they identify them selves let them be accountable for their individualism and not quorum (peer pressure). (Dennis C., John O. Mitterer (2007)
Essay is in categories


Humanistic Studies


Humanistic Studies
Benjamin I.

As what psychologists and other practitioners tell us, the teenage days prove to be the most difficult stage of one's development because of so many issues and crises that the person undergo. Maximum tolerance, understanding, love and proper guidance are what the youth needs during this time of their life.

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