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Humanistic Studies




Proletariat Dictatorship in Russia

This essay chronicles the emergence of proletariat as the ruling group in Russia. It likewise presents the implications of Lenin and Marxist ideas to the Russian bureaucracy and structure of government.

language english
wordcount 2081 (cca 5.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 3
Table of contents

The Beginning of the Revolution 1
The Period of War Communism 2
The NEP 3
Changes in Soviet society 4
Foreign relations in the 1920’s 4
Sources 5

Preview of the essay: Proletariat Dictatorship in Russia

PROLETARIAT DICTATORSHIP IN RUSSIA I will discuss in this historical essay the events that eventually led to the revolution in Russia. Most readers will not be able to understand the intricacies of this historical conflict without an initial understanding as to how the revolution was ignited until it reached a full- blown war. It has been said the destinies of nations are guided by a single most important force and element---destiny. Others do not subscribe to this view. They believe that destinies of nations are continuously affected by the actions and reactions of men who work either for the good ...

... to an international organization rather than to the nations in which they resided. Another basic aim of the Comintern was to undermine colonialism. As we have seen earlier (see p.619), Lenin’s anti-imperialist beliefs were given wide publicity. Not so well known, however, was his idea that communism could conquer Europe and America by gaining control of Asia. He is reported to have once stated that London and New York could be conquered on the Yangtze.
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Humanistic Studies


Humanistic Studies
Benjamin I.

This essay got a nice account of the Russian Revolution during the first decade of 1900s. Very intriguing, engaging discussion. Narrative accounts presented in this essay is absolutely impressive. Nice job Mr. Writer.

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