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Humanistic Studies




Book Reports


Comparing Counting books III

Comparison of the 1 is One, Ten Seeds, The Icky Bug Counting Books.
 english  348  N/A  N/A  free

Comparing Counting books V

This is a Counting book Comparison between three books, Counting Kisses, Eight Silly Monkeys, Let's Count, I did in my Literature for Children's class in College. I received and A+...
 english  389  N/A  N/A  free

Comparing Counting books VII

This is a Counting book Comparison between three books, 1 is One, Over in the Meadow, Over in the Ocean in a Coral Reef, I did in my Literature for Children's class in College. I received...
 english  648  N/A  N/A  free

Conflicting Perspectives

Conflicting Perspectives Module C Essay Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath and a Related Material. Thesis statements, topic sentences. Incorporates ideas from the former Module about truths.
 english  1243  N/A  N/A  free

Disintegrating Relationships in Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills like White Elephants” and “Mr and Mrs Elliot”

Hemingway's depiction of human alienation and dysfunctional relationships of his characters. He portrays men who lack masculinity, and drown their sorrows in alcohol, while others compensate...
 english  3214  N/A  N/A  free

Don Quixote in Cervantes' Point of View

This essay explore and analyzes the Spanish novel Don Quixote in the perspectives of Miguel de Cervantes, the famous author of the novel.
 english  1480  N/A  N/A  free

Dorian Gray Critique

This paper critiques some of the main themes in the book The picture of Dorian Gray. It analyses some ideas to do with the concious and unconscious part of the mind and relates these...
 english  2875  N/A  N/A  free

Drama Poems and Short Stories

While reading through our text you can quickly see that Poems offer comedy through the literary concepts, one of them being a “Pun”. This suggests “A pun is created when two...
 english  439  N/A  N/A  free


This story is about a poor farm boy, Eragon, who finds a polished blue stone in the forest. But when the stone brings a dragon hatchling, Eragon soon realizes he has stumbled upon a...
 english  820  N/A  N/A  free

Face painting

A brief look into the symbolism of face painting in the novel 'lord of the flies' Face painting it is a ritual all over the world in all different types of society. It is even believed...
 english  780  N/A  N/A  free
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