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Legal statutes in the in the banking industry in Australia 1800’s to 1900’s

This paper discusses on the legal statutes that govern lending decisions between 1800’s and 1900’s. It also discusses the securities that were used in these periods by banks as collateral for customers to repay their loans. The paper has also indicated the advancement of loans gives a favors to the customer since most the work is left to the banks for processing the loans.

linguaggio inglese
numero di parole 5271 (ca. 15 pagine)
qualità del contenuto N/A
livello di linguaggio N/A
prezzo gratis
bibliografia 16

Introduction 1
Legal regulations that governed lending during 1800’s 1
Promise to Pay 2
Consumer Credit 3
Securities that banks required in 1800’s as a collateral from customers 4
Factoring 4
Consols and guilt edged securities 5
Legal regulations that governed Lending by banks in the period 1900’s until today 6
Development of the Law of Credit 6
Legal Rate of Interest 6
Mortgage Lending 7
Australia 1900’s regulations for lending by banks 12
Advantages of legal statutes that were used in banks in the 1900’s up to now 14
Disadvantages of legal statutes that were used in banks in the 1900’s up to now 14
Securities required by banks as security for the payment of loans by customers in the 1900’s 15
Conclusion 17
Bibliography 18

Anteprima della tesi: Legal statutes in the in the banking industry in Australia 1800’s to 1900’s

Legal statutes in the in the banking industry in Australia 1800’s to 1900’s Introduction Academics have most recently taken into account the Australian company law. The reason is that Australian law is depicted to come from the English law. The Australian company law evolves from different perspectives and this paper discusses the legal statutes that govern lending decisions between 1800’s and 1900’s. It also discusses the securities that were used in these periods by banks as collateral for customers to repay their loans. The paper indicates that the advancement of loans gives a favors to the customer since most f the work is left to the banks for processing the loans. On the other hand customers are expected to carry out enough research on the banks before going for loans in those banks (Louis, 1935). The Australian law is a clear indication of the English law. This paper discusses prepared aspects of official emergency liquidity support to corporations under strain. The paper tries to argue that properly designed lending procedures with clearly laid out authority and accountability, and disclosures rules, will promote financial stability, reduce moral hazard, and protect the lender of last resort from undue opinionated ...

... by banks and the securities that are associated with the loans in Australia between 1800’s and 1900’s seems to be a wide topic. It is based on the English law and defines the existence of law that governs loans in the world. The regulations that govern lending of loans in the 1800’s differ from that o 1900’s up to now. 1800’s is seen to be the ancient day while 1900’s involves the current regulations that are being used up to now in the lending fraternity in Australia. However, the current regulations are found to have more problems than the ancient regulations of lending. The 1800’s loan regulations are fewer compared to the current regulations on loans. The Australian government imposed more lending regulations to banks in the 1900’s. This came with more diversifications in the bank industry in lending loans. Many forms of loans were found to be emerging hence the need to regulate more during this time.
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Studi Finanziari
Operazioni bancarie


Scienze Di Studi umanistici
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