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Humanistic Studies




Cultural Adaptations

You will read in this essay various concepts about culture---culture as an adaptive system, culture as a vehicle of adaptation and the major characteristics of culture that make it a distinct anthropological concept.

language english
wordcount 1791 (cca 5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 2
Table of contents

Culture as an Adaptive System 1
Culture Changes 3
Innovation 4
Diffusion 5
The Characteristics of Culture 6
Cultural Specialization 8

Preview of the essay: Cultural Adaptations

CULTURAL ADAPTATIONS In this essay, I turn attention to culture, as an aspect of human adaptation, the major means by which humans adapt to their environments. Although the concept of cultural adaptation is modeled on that biological adaptation, there are important differences between the two. Biological adaptation proceeds through genetic changes and therefore proceeds very slowly. Cultural adaptation can occur much more rapidly because culture is learned behavior. The relative rapidity with which human beings can respond to changing environments gives them a high degree of adaptational ...

... Arapesh, notes that the intellectual passivity women must accept regarding the tamberan soon becomes a habit. All that is “strange, uncharted, and unnamed” becomes unfamiliar to them. This not only cuts women off from speculative thinking on many subjects but also “from art, because among the Arapesh art and the supernatural are part and parcel of each other” (Mead 1963:81).
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Humanistic Studies
show only english comments

Benjamin I.

Very insightful and informative. Culture, however is so vast a subject as to be covered in a single essay.

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