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Art Studies





This essay highlights the essentials of oral, written and graphical communication for software engineers . Principles of technical writing, types of documents and strategies for gathering information and writing documents, including presentations. Appropriate use of tables, graphics and references. Basics of how to work effectively with others, notion of what motivates people, concepts of group dynamics. Principles of effective oral communication both at the interpersonal level and when making presentations to groups, strategies for listening, persuasion and negotiation.

language english
wordcount 19319 (cca 55 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 4
Table of contents

1 Essentials and  types of writings used in communication
2 The writing process, principles and strategies of information gathering
3 Organization of Technical writing
4 Technical Definitions and Techniques of technical writing
5 Technical summaries and use of graphics
6 Writing of instructions, software user manuals
7 Writing minutes of meeting, Business letters and contracts, curriculum vitae/resume
8 Writing of technical reports,. a proposal, research paper etc
9 Basics of how to work effectively with others and motivating factors
10 Concepts of group dynamics
11 Principles of effective oral communication
12 Strategies of listening, persuasion and negotiation


Introduction to Technical Writing

They are many types of writing:

• Fiction – that includes poetry, short stories, plays and novels.
• Expressive writing – that records a subjective, emotional response to a personal experience. Journals and diary entries are examples of expressive writing. The goal of expressive writing is to express one’s feelings through description and narrative.
• Expository writing – this analyzes a topic objectively where the goal is to explain and thereby reveal your knowledge of a subject, once you explain the topic you don’t expect response from the reader.
• Persuasive writing – this combines the emotional of expressive writing with the analytical traits of expository writing. The goal of persuasive writing is to sway the reader’s emotional attitude toward a topic. Examples are Editorials.

Technical writing is different from the above since it requires a give and take, a dialogue, a follow-up and/or input and action. For example when you write a memo, you expect a reaction. May be you wanted a suggestion, a job completed or problems solved. When you write a letter you expect some one to follow the steps outlined for example for software. For technical writing the writer is not detached from the reader. Finally the purpose of technical writing is to link you with your boss, you and your clients, you and your co-workers.

Purpose of Technical Writing

Technical writing can accomplish many purposes for example:

• Automotive technicians document mechanical problems.
• Electronic engineering technicians write maintenance procedures.
• Computer technicians write instructions for user manuals.
• Investment counselors document ...

... presentation, blackboards or flip charts are useful. If you ask for responses, it is a good idea to record them somehow. Otherwise, your audience will think you are not really listening to them.

Always be careful note to get “tired” to the mechanics of your aids: Remember they are aids only; if an aid overwhelms or dominates your talk, it must not be used. If it is too complicated, find another way to make your point.

Things to Think About

1. Oral Communication is different from written Communication

Listeners have one chance to hear your talk and can’t “re-read” when they get confused. In many situations, they have or will hear several talks on the same day. Being clear is particularly important if the audience can’t ask questions during the talk. There are two well-known ways to communicate your points effectively. The first is to K.I.S.S (Keep it simple stupid). Focus on getting one to there key points across. Think about how much you remember from a talk last week. Second, repeat key insights: Tell them what you are going to tell them (Forecast), tell them, and tell them what you told them (summary).

2. Think about your audience

Most audiences should be addressed in layers; some are experts in your sub-area, some are experts in the general area, and others know little or nothing.

3. Think about your symbolic goals

For conference talks, for example, I recommend two Symbolic goals: Leave your audience with a clear picture of the gist of your contribution, and make them want to read your paper. Your presentation should not replace your paper, but rather whet the audience appetite for it. Thus, it is commonly useful to allude to information in the paper that can’t be covered adequately in the presentation.
Essay is in categories


Information Technologies


Art Studies
show only english comments

Princess R.

This is very useful. It is exhaustive and lengthy and very substantial.

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