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Propagandistic advertising infringes on autonomy.

Propaganda as it’s used today means that one disseminates information with the chief reason of influencing its audience. It therefore gives loaded information so that it influences the emotional side of a person and not the rational side.

language english
wordcount 3350 (cca 9.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 2
Table of contents

Introduction 1
Utilitarian theory of justice 6
Conclusion 13
References 13

Preview of the essay: Propagandistic advertising infringes on autonomy.

Propaganda as it’s used today means that one disseminates information with the chief reason of influencing its audience. It seeks to reach the highest number possible. It appeals more to the emotions than to our intellect. It therefore gives loaded information so that it influences the emotional side of a person and not the rational side. It uses symbols that are familiar and influence us the most through our needs/wants, prejudices and values. It therefore takes all these values, prejudices and wants and attaches it to a product or a system. A practical example would be one where a political party uses words like freedom ...

... that would ensure thereafter may not auger well for the development of the organization. In some cases it may be characterized by mass resigning by the otherwise senior employees in the system. As a form of a government, the organization operates both formally and informally. Informally at socialization and individual level but formal in terms of people holding specific positions in the organization! Conclusion Finally, I think this model can as well be viewed as a piece of life on its own. This is because basically people spend a lot of time at work and hence should operate just the way we do in our own living setups. The ethics we would owe the organization would then be like the ones we owe ourselves.
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