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Direct Marketing Online: Invasive or Convenient?

A research paper about the future of direct marketing.

language english
wordcount 4253 (cca 12 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 14
Table of contents


Preview of the essay: Direct Marketing Online: Invasive or Convenient?

Direct Marketing Online: Invasive or Convenient? Marketing professionals spend everyday coming up with new ways to market a product successfully to consumers. They way products are marketed has changed significantly since the invention of the Internet. The Internet’s enormous popularity in the past decade has opened doors for marketers in ways that could not have been imagined fifteen years ago. Using the internet as an advertising outlet is being used more than any other media outlet (TV, radio, magazines, newspaper), (Belch). Online social networking sites are the newest ways that marketers are using the internet to advertise their products. Social networking sites have also become one of the most successful ways to advertise as 67 percent of the global online community is now part of a social networking site (Nielson). Another popular form of marketing that is being used more often is online direct marketing. The essence of direct marketing is that a direct marketing campaign success can be measured. The Internet makes this not only possible, but easy. Since advertising on the internet, direct marketing on the internet, and social networking advertising are all relatively new in the world of marketing, there have been no established boundaries. ...

... their e-mails, makes this goal easier to accomplish. Advertisers will hesitate to take part in controversial advertising techniques if they think it will negatively impact their brand’s image (Belch). The opportunity to reach consumers who actually want to see an ad is the ultimate dream of advertisers. By reaching those consumers, advertising becomes truly successful. Marketers continue to come up with new and innovative ways to advertise. Internet users are constantly being bombarded with advertisements. As long as advertisers continue to see the where lines have been drawn, they can avoid being too invasive.
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