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Relationship between self-control and criminality

This is a research proposal which will access the impacts of lack of self control on crime and the analogous character traits. It will also analyze the claim that lack of self control has impacts both on crime and on quality of life and other social impacts.

language english
wordcount 3489 (cca 9.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 12
Table of contents

Relationship between self-control and criminality 1
Abstract. 1
Introduction. 2
Method 7
Measurement. 9
Analysis: 11
References 13

Preview of the essay: Relationship between self-control and criminality

Gottfredson and Hirschi's recently introduced general theory of crime has received a lot of support. From the past research it has been found out that lack of self control is related to the breaking of law and to other unacceptable behaviors termed as analogous by Gotfredson and Hirschi. In this research proposal we will access the impacts of lack of self control on crime and the analogous character traits. We will also analyze the claim that lack of self control has impacts both on crime and on quality of life and other social impacts. This research proposal will disapprove the saying that low self control is a human behavior with which a person is born with it and this behavior is ...

... does not provide better prediction than cognitive measures. Unlike cognitive type indicators, and contrary to implications of the theory, various types of crime-analogous imprudent habits are not so related, making it uneasy to develop reliable behavioral measures
The findings suggest that the general back up for self-control will not be any greater if all the researchers had used behavioral measures as it is required by the author of this theory. Improving the degree of prediction to status where self control can claim to be the major variable as proposed by its proponents is not likely to rest on a shift to measures based on the behavior. Improving the theory itself is a bit more promising.
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Humanistic Studies


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