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The paper is on Capital punishment.Capital punishment was introduced in the UK as early the 5th century by the Anglo Saxon invaders. The punishment was upheld tightly as the only way of punishing serious criminal offenders.

language english
wordcount 2679 (cca 7.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 9
Table of contents

Introduction 1
Abolition of the death penalty 2
Literature review 2
Methodology 3
Strengths of questionnaires 3
Weaknesses questionnaires 4
Presentation of results 6
Analysis 9
Conclusion and evaluation 9

Preview of the essay: CAPITAL PUNISHMENT

Capital punishment as it is called in judicial jargon was introduced in the UK as early the 5th century by the Anglo Saxon invaders. The punishment was upheld tightly as the only way of punishing serious criminal offenders. It was even applied to the noble as shown by the execution of Walter II who was the reigning Earl of North Umbria present day Sunder land. The popularity of this type of punishment increased and especially during the reign of Henry V11 where 72 000 people are estimated to have been executed using various methods such as boiling, hanging and drawing and quartering while still alive for various crimes. Some of the crimes ...

... implied in their reports. While one report had implied that 60% of Britons were against the return of the death sentence, our report showed that an overwhelming number of the respondents were for the return of the death penalty that would serve as the most appropriate form of punishment for the offenders and would also act as a deterrent to anyone who had such intentions in future. Such a course of action on the side of the relatives of the victims and those close to him/her would feel that justice had been done and their loved ones did not just die in vain.
Conclusion and evaluation
The surveys conducted so far have not been consistent with what the people would like the UK to take. Majority opinion would help swing our legislator into their direction.
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Humanistic Studies
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Benjamin I.

This is an interesting study. A societal perception on death penalty could be a good basis for our lawmakers in reconsidering the death penalty law in improving our criminal or penal justice system. Debates have been all over the world whether or not death penalty as a capital punishment be imposed. The issue remains a hot stuff in the net.

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