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Leadership training

This essay is about the possible benefits a construction industry is likely to get through finding and forming leaders within the industry i.e. importance of high level leadership training.

language english
wordcount 2102 (cca 6 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 8
Table of contents

Introduction 1
Opportunity statement 2
Purpose statement 3
Conceptual theory framework 3
Research questions 4
Literature review 4
Methodological approach and research design 6
Strength and limitation of the methodology and research desig 8
Ethical consideration 9
Reference 10

Preview of the essay: Leadership training

For any organization to prosper there must be sound leadership. Leadership plays an important role in the organization because it provides direction of the activities within the organization in order to achieve organizational goals. In real sense, leaders are not born but are made and so it is important for any organization to carefully assess the leadership skills among the employees and then impart on them more leadership training in order to utilize their skills in offering sound leadership within the organization. In the construction industry, it is important for human resource department to ...

... come up with a conclusion on those with leadership skills who need leadership training. Data such as the traits possessed by a given employees are taken note of for data analysis.
The interview will involve face to face interviews and the use of questionnaires. Face to face interview is advantageous as the interviewer will get first hand information from the employees and there will be more interaction and the questions may be answered honestly. Questionnaires will be used and the employees will have a chance and enough time of answering the question while their privacy is maintained.
Essay is in categories


Human Resources
Princess R.

Leadership training can be a good avenue to develop or hone the leadership skills of would-be managers. It is an opportunity to grow and advance professionally.

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