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Man and Morals: Some Ethical Fallacies

This essay presents a comparative analysis and evaluation of hedonism and utilitarianism, two related philosophical positions that have direct bearing to man's analysis of his existence.

language english
wordcount 5188 (cca 14 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 3
Table of contents

Introduction  1
Ethical Premises of Hedonism and Utilitarianism Unveiled 1
Critical Evaluation of Hedonism and Utilitarianism  2
Moral Evolutionism  4
Moral Positivism: Comments and Analysis  5
Moral Sensism  5
Communism and Its Moral Doctrines  6
Critical Evaluation of the Communist Theory  7
Synthesis  8
References  11

Preview of the essay: Man and Morals: Some Ethical Fallacies

Man and Morals: Some Ethical Fallacies Introduction Throughout the thousand years of his existence, man has been searching for the essence of life on earth. He has engaged in the most sophisticated type of thinking to seek for the answer of this ultimate sphinx of his existence. From the primitive man to Socrates, from Confucius to the contemporary thinkers of our time, the primary question of man: What is the meaning, the end and purpose of human living is yet to be sought with satisfactory answer. This question of meaning of existence has been the subject of philosophical inquiries for the past thousands of years and it appears that the satisfactory answer to this query remains in the limbo. Much of the philosophical disquisitions done on this subject has led but to a senseless conclusion. However, man has come to appreciate the essence of life and enjoy the philosophical activities he is engaged in. Man pondered on this question and resorted to some form of reasoning: some appears logical and sensible, others are but fallacious explanations which tend to justify certain acts to suit the need of the time and circumstances. Some defective views ...

... of moral evolution. We are not taking a few bones of prehistoric man and guessing how he lived. It is there, all over the earth, today. Religion and morals, and the combination of the two or ethical religion, are actually in the human workshop, being made. We more advanced workers have finished the job and are watching the apprentices. Moral-law is social law. We have the whole story of its evolution before us. We have studied tribes without moral ideas, tribes with a dull glimmer of moral sentiment, and tribes with a moral code in every stage of development. We have put these tribes in the strict order of their degree of culture -- as is, unfortunately, very rarely done -- and this corresponds to the various chronological stages in the evolution of the race. We have seen how even the eccentricities and distortions of the moral sentiment can be shown to be part of a normal and continuous development.
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Humanistic Studies
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Benjamin I.

The different fallacies that we encounter in life are to be recorded as human triumphs to understand himself. But it becomes sweet when one is to be given a great honor.

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