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Human Relationships and Activities: On the Point of View of a Metaphysician

This paper gives an insightful discussion on human relationships, man’s position in the universe, the primacy of human person using a metaphysical perspective.

language english
wordcount 1926 (cca 5.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 3
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Preview of the essay: Human Relationships and Activities: On the Point of View of a Metaphysician

Human Relationships and Activities: On the Point of View of a Metaphysician Nothing exists in pure isolation. The greatest of the metaphysical poets, John Donne, originated and popularized the phrase, “No man is an island,”--- man being a part of the mainland of humanity. Similarly to Teilhard de Chardin, “Man is not isolated until lost in cosmic solitudes”. The same view is expressed or implied in Tennyson’s poem Flower in the Crannied Wall wherein the poet sees the flower as comprehending and involving all things, all events, in the all-pervading whole of reality. In ...

... greater worth than technical progress. Technical advances may supply the material for human development, but of themselves alone they can never actually bring it about. This is the norm of human activity- to harmonize with the genuine good of the human race, in accordance with God’s will and design, and to enable men as individuals and as members of society to pursue and fulfill their total vocation.” (Gaudium et Spes, 35).
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Humanistic Studies
Benjamin I.

This is a good piece of dissertation on philosophy. One does not waste time reading it because of interesting insights it share.

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