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English Proficiency and Internet Chat Lingo: Some Pedagogical Implications

This paper deals with the effects of Internet chat lingo to the proficiency of the students in using language in communication.

language english
wordcount 2919 (cca 8 pages)
contextual quality N/A
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Preview of the essay: English Proficiency and Internet Chat Lingo: Some Pedagogical Implications

English Proficiency and Internet Chat Lingo: Some Pedagogical Implications Crisostomo (2000) determined the level of English proficiency of the 515 fourth year male students of Cardinal Reyes High School in Bronx, New York. He also determined the significant differences of the level of proficiency in written and oral English of the subjects considering grade level, age, exposure to mass media; and the level of correlation between level of proficiency in written English and level of proficiency in oral English of the subjects. The findings revealed that the level of proficiency in written English of the fourth year male students along grammatical structure, vocabulary and written composition were moderately competent. It was also found out that there were no significant differences in the level of written English proficiency of the subjects in the light of grade level, age and exposure to mass media. ...

... Region 2. The findings revealed that the subjects were good in capitalization and sentence structure. They are however fair in general vocabulary and punctuation and least proficient in grammar. Maranan’s study disclosed that the over-all level of proficiency in written English among student-teachers of the SUCs in region 2 was generally fair. Soria’s (2000) study pointed out those students in schools with school papers obtained a satisfactory level of performance in Communication Arts IV, while students in schools without school papers obtained a fair level of performance. It was also found out that students in schools with school paper obtained higher grade point average from first year to third year in Communication Arts (English I-III). The findings made the researcher conclude that the school paper is a contributory factor in the development of students along communication skills.
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