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Human Resource Management: A System Assessment

The theories discussed – from Maslow’s to Porter and Lawler—all, like Herzberg’s theory, seek to find the relationship between meeting an individual’s needs and job satisfaction. They may not all share the same conclusions on what motivates an individual and gives him satisfaction, but there seems to be an agreement that intrinsic factors are generally the most effective motivators. And though the approaches and perspectives may not be similar in all respects, the question behind them all is the same: “What motivates people?”

language english
wordcount 7013 (cca 20 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 15
Table of contents

Overview  2 - 3
Theoretical Framework  4 - 13
Paradigm  13
Some Related Literature and Studies in the Area  14 - 28
• Defining Job Satisfaction  14
• Content Theories  15 - 24
• Process Theories  25 – 29
Summary  29 – 30
Sources of Data  31 - 32

Preview of the essay: Human Resource Management: A System Assessment

Schultz (1982) defined job satisfaction as “the psychological disposition of people toward their work -- and this involves a collection of numerous attitudes or feelings”. Thus, job satisfaction or dissatisfaction depends on a large number of factors ranging from where employees have to eat their lunch to the sense of self fulfillment they may receive from doing their jobs. Usually, job satisfaction involves a explanation of those factors that an employee perceives to either foster a positive attitude about work, or a negative attitude about work.

Herzberg (1973) found that “job attitudes are a powerful force ...

... answer through their studies. The foreign and local studies discussed have helped to answer this all-important question in the realm of education, according to Herzberg’s theory.

Despite the numerous studies on this subject, this study makes a contribution to the fund of knowledge for the following reasons:

1. This study will cover all the faculty members of Pangasinan State University Lingayen Campus with the exception of the maintenance staff. As far as researchers know, it is the first study in the Pangasinan State University system to survey faculty members on their work motivation.

2. It will use two instruments: the Questionnaire of Job Attitude Factors and the Sequence of Events/Critical Incidents Interview.
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Human Resources


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