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Education and Interventions for Teens/Parents within our School Population

This essay has discussed on issues of Overweight and Obesity Prevention for American Teens especially those in schools leading to health implications

linguaggio inglese
numero di parole 3349 (ca. 9.5 pagine)
qualità del contenuto N/A
livello di linguaggio N/A
prezzo gratis
bibliografia 16


Anteprima della tesi: Education and Interventions for Teens/Parents within our School Population

Education and Interventions for Teens/Parents within our School Population American Obesity Association (2002) defines obesity as the excessive accumulation of body fat. A teen/ child is said to be obese if their weight is at least twenty percent (20%) heavier than their ideal weight. The term overweight refers to any weight that is in excess of the normal, ideal range. Obesity has been for a long time an eating disorder commonly associated with adolescents. Currently the prevalence of high weight for length or high body mass index (MBI) among children and teens in the United States of America, that is, at or above the 95th percentile, are ranging from an estimate of ten percent (10%) for infants and toddlers, to an estimated eighteen percent (18%) for teenagers and adolescents. Over the last ten years, these estimates appear to have relatively stabilized but for boys between the ages of 6-20 years who are at very heaviest weight levels, there has been a significant increase. This ...

... engage in to research for etiology and new yet advanced methods of treatment and intervention of obesity and overweight. Additional efforts are also required for ensuring sufficient coverage of health care for preventive and treatment services. There has been very limited insurance reimbursement even when serious comorbidities have been recorded, hence acting as disincentive for physicians to come up with prevention and treatment programs that in turn act as a great barrier to families that seek for professional care.
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Scienze Di Studi umanistici


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