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Women In Psychology: Lette Stetter Hollingsworth

A paper about a woman who made great and unique strides in the field of psychology. Lette Stetter Hollingsworth was a psychologist who excelled in a time where women were thought of as inferior creatures. It was because of this thinking that she worked to disprove not only the weaknesses of women over men, but of children who were otherwise considered ‘special’. With the study of children she produced a learning system to help them learn by exploring their environment.

language english
wordcount 2303 (cca 6.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 6
Table of contents

Introduction and Background: Pg. 2
Theoretical Perspective: Pg. 5
Contributions to Psychology: Pg. 9
Conclusion: Pg. 11

Preview of the essay: Women In Psychology: Lette Stetter Hollingsworth

WOMEN IN PSYCHOLOGY: LETA STETTER HOLLINGWORTH When one discusses the people who have made the biggest strides in psychology, the first names that are brought up are Freud, Jung, Skinner and Pavlov, to name a few. These names are excellent examples of psychologists and their contributions to the field are essential to understanding how the human psyche works. However, the inherent issue is that the people mentioned are men. When I was asked ...

... otherwise considered ‘special’. With the study of children she produced a learning system to help them learn by exploring their environment. Ms. Hollingworth may not be a household name in the general psychology world, but she was truly a pioneer.
Essay is in categories


Humanistic Studies
General Psychology


Humanistic Studies
Educational Psychology
Benjamin I.

LETA STETTER HOLLINGWORTH---this name of a woman in the field of psychology, truth to tell, is one which is I am not familiar with, but with this essay, I came to appreciate her contribution in the field.

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