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The paper is about cultural awareness.It has looked on how various communities define culture and how they take it.

language english
wordcount 3362 (cca 9.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 6
Table of contents

Introduction 1
Elements of culture 3
Characteristics of culture 4
Cultures are similar and different 4
Culture include institutions 5
Culture include belief system 6
Iranian common cultural characteristics 7
Iranian self image 9
Communication 10
Impact of recent regional events on Iranian culture 11
Work Cited 11

Preview of the essay: CULTURAL AWARENESS

CULTURAL AWARENESS Introduction In its simplest form, culture can be conceptualized as everything that an individual must learn in order to live as a member of a particular group. In encompasses ways of making things or technology, behavior, and thoughts. Culture also includes types of food, clothing, and the type of shelter used by a group. Culture may also include a shared language, religion and forms of art. Ways of having fun, expressing emotions and making a living can also not be excluded from culture. There are numerous ways that the concept of culture has been defined. With this regard, there are bound to be expected various debates concerning the right definition. However, there appears to be some form of compartmentalization in the employment of the concept. Theoretically, there are contradictory definitions that are employed in parallel in the various realms of behavioral and social sciences. Different conceptions of culture can be found in sociology, anthropology, archeology, developmental psychology, as well as cross-cultural psychology. There ...

... denominator language so as to achieve the greatest mutual understanding between the communicators.
Impact of recent regional events on Iranian culture
There has been utmost pressure put on Iranians by the international community regarding their nuclear ambitions. Even though the direct consequences of these pressures cannot be quantified with regard to their impact on the Iranian culture, they have nevertheless changed the perception of the Iranians towards their view of the outside world.
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Humanistic Studies


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