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Business models in New Zealand and America

The essay has compared two business models situated new zealand and america respectively.The comparison is based on organization models and resource models.

language english
wordcount 2427 (cca 6.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 10
Table of contents

Introduction 1
Government business models in New Zealand 1
Advanced technology 2
International investment 3
New digital businesses and business models 4
Government business models in America 4
Lobbying in America 5
Diversification 6
Conclusion 8
References 9

Preview of the essay: Business models in New Zealand and America

Government business models are very important to improve the current economy of a country. A government business model in any country is used for depicting the business processes of the government. A government business model in any country may involve process models, organization models and resource models. The following essay compares various government business models used in New Zealand and America. The essay also describes the effectiveness of such models in improving the economy in the countries. The comparison of the government business models used in these countries will enable us determine ...

... government encourages growth of businesses in the country and globally without emphasizing on how individual business people or the investors in such businesses can benefit personally. The government business models in New Zealand play a big role in the growth of New Zealand’s economy. However, the American government business models bring more benefit than the ones for New Zealand in terms of customer service. The reason is that, American business models call for more openness in the service of customers. While new Zealand government focuses on new models that are yet to be implemented, American government focuses on ways of perfecting the already established business models. Hence, the government business models in America are better than government business models in New Zealand.
Essay is in categories


International Business


Public Economy
Princess R.

You have a vivid comparative analysis. More research could have made this essay creative and critical in reasoning and execution.

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