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Humanistic Studies




Discuss whether the existence of Extra Sensory Perception in human is consistent to the standpoint of physics or...

This essay has discussed on extra sensory perception in humans whereby it has come up with studies that analyze whether ESP is consistence to the standpoint of either physics of human...
 english  911  N/A  N/A  free

Event Analysis of Future Music Festival

This essay looks at the Future Music Festival from an events point of view. It looks at it from different peoples points of view and analyses the event.
 english  1171  N/A  N/A  free

film report

this is a report on a film that was recorded in a slum area in local slum in Kenya called kibera. it tries to focus on livelihoods of poor people living in this areas so as to understand...
 english  3404  N/A  N/A  free

Forms of Commercial Correspondence

Business transaction involves constant communication; this essay discusses the different types of commercial correspondence.
 english  5653  N/A  N/A  free

Gandhy vs Kan

One of them was Father of the Nation, Great Soul, a pacifier, and an advocate of truth and non-violence. The other one was the Greatest Empire Builder, Conqueror of the World, Universal...
 english  2301  N/A  N/A  free

hamlets delay

Hamlet’s revenge is delayed throughout the play because of his fatal flaw, being his obsessive thought and inability to act. Hamlet’s complexity as a character lies with his recognition...
 english  671  N/A  N/A  free

Homeless people in America

The essay is about homeless people in America. It has discussed on how homeless people encounter difficulties as the struggle to survive.
 english  3266  N/A  N/A  free


This essay has discussed about homosexuality, it therefore gives a clear definition of it, the major causes of homosexuality, the various levels of homosexuality and the current modern...
 english  2748  N/A  N/A  free

How to Resist Peer Pressure: A Guide to the Youth

Discussed in this work are suggested ways on how to overcome negative peer pressure and how youth can be guided upon in dealing with pressures from friends.
 english  582  N/A  N/A  free

Human Sex

This paper looks at human sex where it discusses on sex change looking at homosexuality and heterosexuality, gender roles and characteristics e.t.c
 english  444  N/A  N/A  free
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