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Art Studies




A Single Spark Jeon tae il

The paper is on a movie called “A Single Spark Jeon tae il” which is characterized by echoes of sad sounds that come as a result of people’s demonstrations. It is about Korean people when they were subjected under strict military regime.

language english
wordcount 1378 (cca 3.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 0
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Preview of the essay: A Single Spark Jeon tae il

“A Single Spark Jeon tae il” The initial phase of this movie is characterized by echoes of sad sounds that come as a result of people’s demonstrations. The echoes of sad sounds signify a time line in the Korean History whereby the Korean people were subjected under strict military regime. Under this regime, Koreans underwent immeasurable afflictions and mistreatments. The additional effects of the black ...

... thought is still alive but nothing has changed in his life. The essence of this scene is to demonstrate that he is still alive and the book with great thoughts still stands. The Director divided the two stories by using black and colorful in order to a show Tate il’s story in the present view and that in Young Su’s life nothing has changed.
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Art Studies
Benjamin I.

I've got to take a grab of this movie. it is similar to most war stories where oppression and bleak memories reign. Congrats to this great essay!

Princess R.

...the animosities in war are abominable. This a good p;piece of war movie.

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