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Natural Sciences




Environmental education and sustainable development.

This essay depicts real facts of issues and problems that come along with development that is not sustainable. Hence there is the analysis of how to achieve sustainable development using environmental education. It also provides the details especially to the undergraduate students who are interested in obtaining information on sustainable development.

language english
wordcount 5671 (cca 16 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 40
Table of contents


Preview of the essay: Environmental education and sustainable development.

An Essay on Environmental Education and Sustainable Development. 1. Introduction. Since the United Nations Conference on Human Environment of 1972, governments have made it a policy to integrate sustainable development concerns in national agenda at all levels. The universities globally have responded by creating diverse courses focusing on various aspects of sustainable development using both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. The education for sustainable development is a relatively recent concept and not all educators and programmes have embraced it adequately. It is however important to note that all courses have the potential to address sustainable development issues. It is therefore crucial that all learning institutions make deliberate efforts to mainstream education for sustainable development in all their activities. The international community has made tremendous efforts to address emergent environmental challenges. Conferences held by experts and governments have called for greater innovations and investment of more resources in sustainable development activities and education. Conferences such as Stockholm, Belgrade, Tbilisi, Rio and the recent Johannesburg Summit represent deliberate and focused advances to address global environmental crises. Following the diverse deliberations and recommendations from various conferences, the decade between 2005-2014 has been identified as the United Nations ...

... education for education’s sake, but education that is responsive to socio-economic, human and ecological concerns of society. Training programmes need to prepare learners to respond to diverse sustainability concerns by being able first to interpret the problem, categorise it properly and institute well ‘philosophically grounded’ and practical interventions. The philosophical grounding should integrate both local and external worldview of sustainable development challenges and interventions to enable empowerment and ownership of the process and products by all stakeholders. This way ESD becomes a transformative process and can reorient society and its systems towards pursuit of options sensitive to local sustainable development needs and challenges.
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