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What is Ethical Fashion?
Ethical fashion means fashion which takes into consideration the people behind the clothes we wear, as well as the environment. Photo credit: Kuyichi organic fair trade jeans.
language | | english |
wordcount | | 861 (cca 2 pages) |
contextual quality | | N/A |
language level | | N/A |
price | | free |
sources | | 0 |
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Preview of the essay: What is Ethical Fashion?
When you buy a piece of clothing, you may not think twice about where it was originally made, by whom and under what conditions. The clothing industry is a complex one - and all the clothes we wear have a story behind ...
... making clothes from recycled clothing or fabrics. You could also consider transforming your own clothes by customising them. See article on recycling and customisation for more details.
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Art Studies
Art Studies
Applied Art
Benjamin I.You're right dude. One can look beautiful without sacrificing the environment. At any rate, there could be no greater fashion stylist than mother nature herself.
Princess R.In this period when liberalism is at its height, everything happens in the world of fashion. It is therefore hard to be with the vogue without being so creative and sometimes non-conformist in style.