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Humanistic Studies


Basic Needs of Man and Issues Confronting Him

Abraham Maslow developed the hierarchy of human needs. Accordingly, man’s needs influence to great extent productivity, the feeling of belongingness to the organization, and the attainment of self-actualization. It is in hierarchical order because on the average, man must fulfill or satisfy the lower needs before he can satisfy higher needs.

language english
wordcount 3118 (cca 8.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 2
Table of contents

I. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs 1 - 3
II. Poverty 3 - 6
III. Human Rights 7 - 8
IV. Member Satisfaction 8 - 9
V. Health and Consciousness 9 - 12
VI. References 13

Preview of the essay: Basic Needs of Man and Issues Confronting Him

There are at least three major tiers in the theory. These are the physical and safety needs, social needs, and self-actualization needs. These are further divided into specific needs to be associated and to be loved, and the last and highest, comprises the need for self-esteem and self – actualization, also comprise the psycho-social needs, which are higher than physiological or biological needs.
Some psychologists have focused their attention on the development of self (Rogers, 1959; Maslow, 1954, 1971). ...

... a cruel roadblock to pursuit of our objectives whether it is economic development or security. Among the social programs, health is basic. Without a healthy population, what is the use of taking care of or protecting the population. (Marcos, 1982)
According to the former Philippine President Corazon C. Aquino, “There is provision for a healthy citizenry, making national health a primary goal of government. Congress again cannot escape the responsibility to provide for an adequate health care system.”
The Bill of Social Economics Rights on Health thoughtfully states that every citizen shall receive from the State the benefits of an adequate medical care program.
Essay is in categories


Humanistic Studies


Human Resources
Benjamin I.

Maslow's classification is very relevant in considering the needs of man. It cannot be denied that man is always motivated by this need...

Princess R.

I agree with Benjamin's comments. Maslow's theory is very relevant and practical theory that should guide practice in the industry.

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