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Humanistic Studies


Competence: Its Significance and Implications to Education

This essay presents a brief discussion about the importance of competence not only in the field of education but also in other fields of endeavor.

language english
wordcount 868 (cca 2 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 1
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Preview of the essay: Competence: Its Significance and Implications to Education

Competence: Its Significance and Implications to Education COMPETENCE DEFINED Competence is a very important attribute of any person irrespective of the field he is engaged in. It is one of the top qualities which corporate and governmental leaders are ...

... of his own classroom. He serves as an agent of change and a catalyst of reform for the school, for the students, for the community and for the country at large. The teacher holds in his palm the future of the learners as he is engaged in a gigantic task of imparting in them the true, the good and the beautiful.
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Humanistic Studies
Benjamin I.

There is no better substitute for competence when it comes to instructional delivery system. Education should be founded upon competent teachers. I believe there is more grain of truth in the saying that quality students are basically dependent on quality teachers. I've got a nice evaluation of this essay, just one word---substantial.

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