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Strategic human resource management

The essay describes the aspects and implications of the theories in strategic human resource management and practice. The theoretical models help in understanding the role of HRM in organizations and the determinants of various HR practices.

language english
wordcount 3157 (cca 9 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 22
Table of contents

• Introduction
• Strategic human resource management
• Strategic Theories of HRM
a. Resource-based view of the firm
b. The behavioural perspective
c. Cybernetic systems
d. Agency or transaction cost theory
• Factors that affect strategic organization objectives and the role of SHRM in their achievement
• The HR policy
• Personal factors
a. HR Manager Capability
b. Ability and Support from Senior Managers
• Conclusions

Preview of the essay: Strategic human resource management

There are different arguments concerning the field of human resource management that it does not have a coherent theoretical framework. Strategic human resource management can be explained using different theories (Devanna et al 1999). The essay describes four perspectives to strategic human resource management. These perspectives include the behavioural perspective, cybernetic models, agency or transaction cost theory and resource based view of the firm. These theories are important when understanding both strategic and non-strategic determinants of HR practices. The essay also describes the aspects and implications of the theories in strategic human resource management and practice. The theoretical models help in understanding the role of HRM in organizations and the determinants of various HR practices. They also form the basis with which people differentiate HRM and SHRM ...

... HR practices and HR behaviours. The cybernetic and agency or transaction cost models that try to examine the relationships among strategy, HR practices, and both the HR capital pool and HR behaviours.
Theories of SHRM are beneficial to the firm and must be applied in the activities of the firm. Theories in SHRM can be used o diminish the complexity between HRM and SHRM. Researchers and practitioners are able to benefit from a sound theoretical development. The theories follow specified policies when demonstrating their application in the firm activities. There are also other factors that affect strategic organization objectives and the SHRM has devised several policies that can deal with the effects from such factors. The SHRM requires that the firm should monitor the effectiveness of the HR policy on the achievement of the organizations goals. The management ability and the help from the senior managers are also vital in the accomplishment of the firms’ goals.
Essay is in categories


Human Resources
Princess R.

The essay needs further restructuring to possible arranged the topic properly. It lacks organization.

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