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This paper is devoted to examining the issue of personality as an aspect of individual differences.The writer’s interest is to gain insight in how individuals, groups and the organizations behave and their implications in service delivery.

language english
wordcount 4070 (cca 11 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 8
Table of contents

What then is personality? 2
Determinants of Personality 4
Environment 6
Personality Components 7
The Big Five Dimensions 7
Argyris’s Immaturity – Maturity Theory 10
Development Theories 11
Freudian Approaches 11
Learning Theories of Personality 12
Jungian Typology 13
Possible implications of the Jungian Typology 14
Managerial Challenges 15
Emotional Intelligence Strategy as a Solution to Personality Challenges 16
References 18

Preview of the essay: PERSONALITY

Today’s organizations involved in delivering tangible and intangible goods and services are striving for excellence, individually and corporately (Bhargava, 2003). Regardless of the size and purpose of the organizations or the technology involved, people are the common denominator when facing the immensely global challenges. The success or failure hinges on the ability to attract, develop, retain, motivate and lead a diverse way of appropriately skilled people. The human factor drives everything. To acquire more knowledge about the workplace behavior is to gain valuable competitive edge, (Bhargava and Kinick, 2007).

To achieve this, it is of paramount importance to lay emphasis on stable physical and mental characteristics responsible for a person’s identity: “personality”. Such knowledge will help the management to once the organization to greater heights because personality conflicts will be managed by developing emotional intelligence and capacities through continuous training and ...

... iindividuals will force any organization to apply the insights gained about emotional intelligence. If all the employees are trained to gain the ability to manage themselves and to interact in mature and constructive ways, most organizational conflicts will be a thing of the past. This is a transformational and a realistic way of dealing with the present global workplace environment that has been invaded by e-business, e-leadership, and e-relationship that has made individual and organization’s operations virtual.
Finally, personality diversity can be managed through training, mentoring and modeling. To influence the behaviour of individuals, groups and later the organization in this direction will mean hard labor, practices and focus. The responsibility of the leadership is consciously to plan how the organization can manage the ocean of knowledge derived from each individual’s diversity.
Failure to be keen on ‘personality’ an organization may experience high labor turnover, organizational stability, poor quality, poor reputation, poor overall performance that affect the corporate image. The recent behavior accounting asserts that behavior like absenteeism, conflicts, and attitudes can be quantified in monitory loss, hence making it mandatory for an organization to be sensitive.
Essay is in categories


Human Resources


Humanistic Studies
Princess R.

The study of personality as a a distinct discipline is one of the most interesting aspect of psychology. How I wish I have the knowledge of human nature to examine personality of men.

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