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The essay is about organization development .It has analyzed the strategies, methods and practices which should be adopted to enable the organization be ahead of their competitors.
language | | english |
wordcount | | 3632 (cca 10 pages) |
contextual quality | | N/A |
language level | | N/A |
price | | free |
sources | | 21 |
Table of contents
Introduction 2
Scenario Planning 2
The Scenario Planning Process 6
Section B 9
Organization Development 9
Importance of organization development 10
Planning 11
Fostering creativity and innovation in an organization development 12
Development agent in organization 13
Process of introducing change in an organization 14
Resistance to development 15
Ways of reducing resistance to development 16
Conclusion 16
References Lists 17
Given the complex nature and competitive environment under which modern organisations operate, global economic downturn, the many competing and substitute products in the market and spill over effects of the the way forward for the organisations is to adopt strategies, methods and practices which enable them to be ahead of their competitors. Recent global, political and economic events such as liberalization of economies, rising cost of production, terrorist attacks in America, have led many ...
... development gradually and provide emotional support including time off during the most difficult period of the development process.
e) Selectively use information, which gives emphasis on positive aspects of development. Employees likely to resist development may also be co-opted or assigned new positions created during the development process.
f) Demand that members accept development or risk losing rewards and other benefits. Coercion or use of threats may only be applied if there is high potential for resistance and when the change must be introduced very fast and there is no time to persuade others.
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