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Methods and Strategies for Weight Loss in Athletes

The essay is about Methods and Strategies that are recommended for Weight Loss in Athletes as the carry there day to day activities.

language english
wordcount 4206 (cca 12 pages)
contextual quality N/A
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sources 12
Table of contents


Preview of the essay: Methods and Strategies for Weight Loss in Athletes

Weight Gain & Loss Methods and Strategies for Weight Loss in Athletes Introduction Some athletes will reduce their body weight in hopes of increasing their chances of winning. Low-body weight is desirable for at least one of three reasons: 1) appearance in aesthetic sports (diving, figure skating); 2) improved performance in events where lower body weight may increase speed; or 3) a certain weight category must be achieved. The shortsightedness of athletes may lead to weight-loss methods that hurt performance and endanger health instead of enhancing the opportunity for success. Our expert panelists rely on their research and clinical experiences to discuss the problems associated with weight loss in athletes, and recommend alternative approaches that athletes and those who supervise such athletes might employ. 1. What general approach do you recommend for athletes who want to lose weight or who must make a specific weight category for competition? Walberg-Rankin: We recommend that athletes consider weight loss during the off season to avoid detrimental effects of restricting food during the competitive season. A nutritionist or dietitian can offer a plan for modifying the diet after the athlete has undergone ...

... mental health. Athletes should focus on accepting body shape, normalizing eating patterns, and embracing a physically active lifestyle that promotes health, fitness and optimal performance.
Oppliger: Administrative units such as national sport governing bodies, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and the high-school associations need to combine forces with groups like the American Dietetic Association and ACSM to develop appropriate materials. Working through the administrative units, the materials need to be distributed and presented to the parents as well as to the athletes and coaches. A couple of states, most notably Wisconsin and Michigan, are leading the way with this type of approach and are seeing progress in the sport of wrestling. The programs use a nutritionist and athletic trainers at the local level as well as telelink and Internet communications to broadcast across the state. I think their ideas will be emulated in other states.
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