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A Comparative Analysis of Group Dynamic Models

The purposes of this essay is to examine some of the contextual factors that influence group interaction by exploring the similarities and differences that characterize two established and effective approaches to educating people about group dynamics-the so-called Tavistock conference, on one hand, and the tradition of group dynamics education that has evolve at the Tale School of Organization and Management (SOM), on the other.

language english
wordcount 6265 (cca 17 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 3
Table of contents

Introduction 1
The Tavistock Conference vs. SOM 1
Task and Context 1
Staff Roles in Context 5
The Student and their Aims 8
The Role of Education 9
Sources 11

Preview of the essay: A Comparative Analysis of Group Dynamic Models

A Comparative Analysis of Group Dynamic Models Introduction The purposes of this essay is to examine some of the contextual factors that influence group interaction by exploring the similarities and differences that characterize two established and effective approaches to educating people about group dynamics-the so-called Tavistock conference, on one hand, and the tradition of group dynamics education that has evolve at the Tale School of Organization and Management (SOM), on the other. As an approaches to organizational inquiry, the systems approaches focuses attention on the relationship between a system or sub-system and its environment rather than trying to understand things automatically. It follows from this perspective that any enterprise aimed at studying group processes will be shaped by the environment in which it exists. The Tavistock Conference vs. SOM Two models of group self-study are compared in this essay in an effort to elucidate more general issues that stem from the context in which group study is embedded. The self-standing conference provides opportunities for learning about group processes by establishing temporary institutions for periods of from three days to two weeks. These conferences take applicants who come for this purpose, and draw upon ...

... community, in spite of the evidence, business school are moving surely in the direction of reliance on analytic and technical training as an expression of the (defensive) wish in the business community the uncertainly can be controlled. The study of group dynamics cuts of the heart of this defensive process: experiential group learning reflect the ambiguity and uncertainly that accompany al social process and endures the validity of (inter)subjective experience as data concerning social context. As is the case when defense, social or individual, is undermined, group dynamic instruction is accompanied by increased anxiety, splitting and denial, whatever degree analytic techniques and positivist ideologies are being mobilized as social defense then, by implication groups relation training and what it represent will find itself in an dynamics in a management school environment, teachers will need to ported into their classes and equally, to appreciate the political forces that surround the presence of course that call important social defense into question.
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