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History and Philosophy on Experiential
This essay tackles the historical and philosophical foundation of experiential learning in the field of group dynamics.
language | | english |
wordcount | | 1568 (cca 4 pages) |
contextual quality | | N/A |
language level | | N/A |
price | | free |
sources | | 2 |
Table of contents
Preview of the essay: History and Philosophy on Experiential
History and Philosophy on Experiential Group Dynamics In both the physical and the social sciences, technological advances- sometimes known as inventions- bring new opportunities for increasing knowledge (Conant, 1964). Inventions evolving from physical science, for example, include the clock, the telescope, the microscope, the nuclear accelerator, and the digital computer. The historical period over which we are conscious of these developments includes several millennia (Boorstin, 1983). Social science, on the other hand, is a newer ...
... phase to another. There may be some deviations from the established practices in the past, but as the years go by, more and more novel approaches emerge in this field. Perhaps, in the next few years there will be more novelties in this field.
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Humanistic Studies
Humanistic Studies