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How Cloud Computing is changing the way companies do CRM and manage knowledge

In the past couple of years a lot has been published regarding Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its implementation in large and medium sized companies. For small to medium sized companies (SMEs), most CRM solutions are too expensive and such an expense cannot be justified to the stakeholders. However cloud computing has turned this situation around and these companies, and even specific departments in large multi-national companies, are implementing CRM solutions.

language english
wordcount 13978 (cca 39 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 0
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Preview of the essay: How Cloud Computing is changing the way companies do CRM and manage knowledge

CITY UNIVERSITY How Cloud Computing is changing the way companies do CRM and manage knowledge An Information Systems perspective Abstract In the past couple of years a lot has been published regarding Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its implementation in large and medium sized companies. For small to medium sized companies (SMEs), most CRM solutions are too expensive and such an expense cannot be justified to the stakeholders. However cloud computing has turned this situation around and these companies, and even specific departments in large multi-national companies, are implementing CRM solutions. Companies like, SugarCRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and others realised the potential of this market sector and are quickly jumping on the chance of becoming the market leader. Purpose - A lot of research has been performed on the benefits that CRM technologies can bring a company but the purpose of this study is to ascertain what advantages and disadvantages a cloud computing implementation of a customer relationship management (CRM) system has over a more traditional in-house implementation. Through the analysis of the differences between cloud, in-house, bespoke and package solutions and how these solutions are applying concepts in Information and Knowledge Management (KM) I hope ...

... explanation of the case study through a deduction and induction cycle. The validity of each study case was confirmed with the interviewed subject, through their review of the recorded data. All data was kept to ensure the proper evidence was saved; Due to the emphasis on deduction, for the within- case analysis, is to explore existing or newly constructed theory, the results that are retrieved are dependent on the theoretical research context. It was very important to clearly present this theory in order to provide insight into it. For the induction cycle, while the aim of this approach is to conduct research before any theoretical framework is used, in reality it might be difficult to achieve. To minimise this risk, the work placement with Axispoint was very valuable since it provided the opportunity to not only to conduct research on Cloud Computing and CRM solutions, but to actually gain valuable practical experiencing on the subject. Cross-case analysis of the data This type of analysis was used to compare and examine the similarities between the interview answers. The objective of this analysis was to detect patterns, trends and find the common issues that play important roles in current CRM implementations.
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