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Ethical Issues and Concerns on Business
Ethics and business are intertwined. Since the personal values of a businessman is always at work every time he makes business decisions, one can not entirely divorce a man’s sense of ethics with that of his business orientation.
language |  | english |
wordcount |  | 3048 (cca 8.5 pages) |
contextual quality |  | N/A |
language level |  | N/A |
price |  | free |
sources |  | 3 |
Table of contents
Introduction 1
Ethics and the Manager 1
The List of Unethical Practices 4
Works Consulted 5
Preview of the essay: Ethical Issues and Concerns on Business
ETHICAL ISSUES AND CONCERNS ON BUSINESS It is highly improbable to traverse the business landscape without encountering certain practices on the part of businessmen which violate accepted norms of ethical conduct. In fact, such unethical and illicit practices are too numerous to mention them all. Ethics concern itself with consideration of “right” or “wrong” conduct in the practical affairs of men. Ethical behavior that “ought” to prevail; unethical behavior is that which violates a given standard as that what “ought” to prevail. The central ethical phenomenon of concern to philosophers is moral judgment, which subsumes moral emotions and moral volition. Moral judgment is the opinion that something is “right” or wrong. Moral emotion is the feeling of remorse. Moral volition includes choices and decisions between alternatives that are based on ideas of right or wrong. In the field of ethics, philosophers seek truths about our ideas of ...

... expired dates should be allowed to continue on store shelves: but this is true. Whether this practice is designed to put one over customers could be a matter of conjecture or educated guess. Whatever it is, the implication is adverse to the interests of consumers. Imagine paying for merchandise only to discover at home that its expiry dates has lapsed. While it could be argued that the item could be returned to the selling establishment. What about the inconvenience and the expense involved as when the buyer lives in a distant place?
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Humanistic Studies