An essay about the influence of conservatism in US Republican economic policies during the 1920s. It deals with Harding and his Revenue Act of 1921, Esch-Cummins Act and Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act. It also deals with Coolidge's economic policies during the 1920s such as his McNary-Haugen bill which declared that agriculture must stand on an independent business basis. This essay also looks at his Revenue Acts. Finally, it deals with Hoover and his party members such as Andrew Mellon, and their belief in conservatism reflected in their voluntarist and non-interventionist strategies which led to acts such as the Smoot-Hawley Tariff. All three presidents of the 1920s thus show the impact of conservatism on economic policies during this critical time period.
language | english | |
wordcount | 357 (cca 1 pages) | |
contextual quality | N/A | |
language level | N/A | |
price | free | |
sources | 0 |
1. Harding
2. Coolidge
3. Hoover