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what is racism and who can be racist
Racism has been about for centuries and has been integrated and incorporated into our lives. But what makes a statement racist? Can anyone be racist? Many sociologists have attempted to come up with a definition of racism, but there is no single definition or cause of racism. Racism can be explained through the attitudes of individuals, the position of a group, group conflict and also institutional racism. White racism and new racism have also been coined to help explain racism and have informed us of the wide variety of racism that could possibly be commited.
language |  | english |
wordcount |  | 1914 (cca 5 pages) |
contextual quality |  | N/A |
language level |  | N/A |
price |  | free |
sources |  | 0 |
Table of contents
Preview of the essay: what is racism and who can be racist
What is racism, and who can be racist? Racism has been about for centuries and has been integrated and incorporated into our lives. But what makes a statement racist? Can anyone be racist? Many sociologists have attempted to come up with a definition of racism, but there is no single definition or cause of racism. Racism can be explained through the attitudes of individuals, the position of a group, group conflict and also institutional racism. White racism and new racism have also been coined to help explain racism and have informed us ...
... of ‘race’ or racial weaknesses are not spoken but it is replaced with the discourse of nation and cultural difference. An example of new racism could be from when Margaret Thatcher made her speech about the increase of immigration in England in 1978. When she states that ‘this country might be swamped by people of a different culture’, shows signs of new racism as she uses a negative word such as ‘swamped’ to explain what is or might happen.
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Humanistic Studies