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POS system
The main objective of this course work is to implement and to make documentation on each stage of development process of Point of Sale system terminal where the transaction could be made by cash or by electronic funds transfer through bank debit or credit card.
language | | english |
wordcount | | 9110 (cca 26 pages) |
contextual quality | | N/A |
language level | | N/A |
price | | free |
sources | | 0 |
Table of contents
Preview of the essay: POS system
Software Engineering II Title of the Course Work: An EFT/POS Till Operating System for PC House Abstract The main objective of this course work is to implement and to make documentation on each stage of development process of Point of Sale system terminal where the transaction could be made by cash or by electronic funds transfer through bank debit or credit card. This report is based on group work, which described the stakeholders of the Till operating System we developed for PC House, and analysed the requirements of the system and how it will function in practice after under going excessive ...
... If ( user type = manager ){ if(username and password exist) { print out manager user interface;} else if { print out username or password are incorrect , please enter again} else { } if ( username and password are correct) { output till operator interface ;} else if { print out “username or password are incorrect ,please enter again;} Input variables: user details Output variables: specific window Calls: none Call by: Epos system
Essay is in categories
Information Technologies
Electrical Engineering
Electronic Devices
Princess R.Truth to tell this essay is different becuase of the following: too technical discussion, very simple approach in research style.