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Drought tolerant crops: an application of plant biotechnology
The article seeks to inform on the unique advantages of modern agricultural biotechnology. It highlights various applications of plant biotechnology. The article also focuses on the use of plant biotechnology by Africans in improving drought tolerance of the maize crop.
language | | english |
wordcount | | 766 (cca 2 pages) |
contextual quality | | N/A |
language level | | N/A |
price | | free |
sources | | 0 |
Table of contents
What is Plant biotechnology
Advantages of plant biotechnology
Impact of Drought in Africa
African scientist against drought
Preview of the essay: Drought tolerant crops: an application of plant biotechnology
Drought tolerant crops: an application of plant biotechnology Plant biotechnology is the application of modern genetics to enhance useful characteristics of plants for production of food. It involves adding or blocking or crumbling ...
... feed itself, then the capacity of Africans to do research must be enhanced. Improving technologies acquired before applying them locally seems the way to go.
Essay is in categories
Natural Sciences
Humanistic Studies
Area studies
African Studies