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Things that could lead to the extinction of life on earth
In spite of the advancement of science and technology our world and its biodiversity are under threat. Things like emmision of greenhouse gases, use of atomic weapons, misuse of biotechnology etc. could lead us to extinction.
linguaggio | | inglese |
numero di parole | | 352 (ca. 1 pagine) |
qualità del contenuto | | N/A |
livello di linguaggio | | N/A |
prezzo | | gratis |
bibliografia | | 0 |
Anteprima della tesi: Things that could lead to the extinction of life on earth
About 4.5 billion years ago during the birth of our beloved planet earth, the nature faced change. Thereof the movement and the change of matter and energy have ...
... 5. Misuse of biotechnology: Virus, bacteria and fungus made for Bio-war is a horror for mankind. Such misuse of biotechnology could easily lead to our extinction.
Tesi presente nelle categorie
Scienze Naturali