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Actions of Cocaine and Heroin on Synaptic Transmission, Physiology and Behavior
Many procedures that have been used to establish effects of a number of drugs on the brain have demonstrated that many of the most common abused substances and drugs elevate the sensitivity of human beings to the rewarding action as a result of electrical stimulation. This happening is however does not depend on any substances’ motor effects.
linguaggio | | inglese |
numero di parole | | 1463 (ca. 4 pagine) |
qualità del contenuto | | N/A |
livello di linguaggio | | N/A |
prezzo | | gratis |
bibliografia | | 3 |
Anteprima della tesi: Actions of Cocaine and Heroin on Synaptic Transmission, Physiology and Behavior
Actions of Cocaine and Heroin on Synaptic Transmission, Physiology and Behavior Studies established that for animals, human beings included, to get electrically stimulated in different regions of the brain, they have to work. This electrical stimulation that occurs in distinct areas of the brain, specifically the septal region generates extinction and acquisition curves which are similar to those generated by conventional primary reward. This observable fact is known as ...
... them from elimination of dopamine from synapse. This leads top accumulation of dopamine in the synapse which increases activates more dopamine receptors. There are similarities in the way heroin act but the process is quite complex due to involvement of more than two neurons. These drugs will also make those who heavily depend on them acquire some unwanted behavior.
Tesi presente nelle categorie
Scienze Naturali
Scienze Di Studi umanistici
Scienze Di Studi umanistici