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Legalized Marijuana
The use of marijuana has been opposed for ages by individuals who believe that its uses induce a dangerous impairment. However, those who favor its use argue that there are positive outcomes of marijuana use in some cases. Controversial as the issue may be, at the end of the day marijuana should be legalized for this could result numerous safety and economic benefits.
linguaggio | | inglese |
numero di parole | | 2359 (ca. 6.5 pagine) |
qualità del contenuto | | N/A |
livello di linguaggio | | N/A |
prezzo | | gratis |
bibliografia | | 6 |
Legalized Marijuana 3
I. Introduction 3
II. Topic sentence 3
A. supporters of legalization of marijuana argue that there are many positive attributes associated with the use of marijuana including being used as a recreational drug and its medical value 3
B. Prohibition of marijuana is based on disinformation and lies 4
C. Its legalization would make simpler the development of hemp as a diverse and valuable agricultural crop. 5
D. prohibition of marijuana has not helped to reduce its consumption. 6
III. On the other hand, those opposing the legalization of marijuana argue that: 6
IV. Opinion statement 8
V. Conclusion 9
Work Cited 11
Anteprima della tesi: Legalized Marijuana
Randall and Alice (5) observe that Cannabis Sativa or marijuana is plant that contains more than four hundred chemicals. THC is the psychoactive agent found in it and what actually makes people feel the way they do after smoking if. For a long time now, legalization of marijuana has been one of the greatest controversial subjects not only in the United States but across the globe. Currently there are many countries that have legalized the use of marijuana for medical and or personal purpose, they include: Netherlands, Canada, Argentina, Australia and Chile. In the U. S. only a few states like California and Arizona have legalized marijuana for some medical conditions after passing the law in 1996. There are as many people on the opposing side of the debate as there are on the proposing side. The use of marijuana has been opposed for ages by individuals who believe that its uses ...
... fighting a war that will never be won. They will also lose a lot of money in maintaining those arrested in prison for food, shelter, hiring attorneys, medical services and other requirements hence burdening the tax payer. The use of marijuana will continue to rise with or without its legalization as everyone has access to it today. The way forward is allowing those who want to use it liberty to do so.
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Scienze Di Studi umanistici