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Lesson Plan: The Educator’s Blueprint in the Educative Process

Lesson planning is an integral part of the educative process. The types of lesson plan, format, structures and guidelines in coming up with an effective lesson plan are discussed in this essay.

language english
wordcount 4672 (cca 13 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 6
Table of contents

Table of Contents 1
Introduction 2
Lesson Plan: Its Types and Characteristics 3
Guidelines in Lesson Planning 6
Lesson Planning as a Two-Way Process 9
Factors in Lesson Planning 10
Some Suggestions in the Use of a Lesson Plan 12
Sources 13

Preview of the essay: Lesson Plan: The Educator’s Blueprint in the Educative Process

The day is past when teaching can be carried on in haphazard manner. Contemporary experience in other field of human endeavor suggests the need and wisdom for a careful planning of educational activities. The bewildering large and ever increasing range of school curriculum plus the growing recognition of the complexity of the teaching and learning procedures, add weight to the argument for rigorous planning of instructional program. Lesson planning is an integral part of teaching in all levels in better teaching and more productive learning. It is a means to an end ...

... organization of the instructional materials must be psychological rather than logical. This means that the abilities, interests, needs and purposes of the pupils must be taken into consideration. The growth of the pupils in terms of knowledge, habits, skills abilities and attitudes should be the bases of subject-matter selection and organization.

6. The instructional plan should be viewed as flexible that can be changed as conditions and needs demand. This does not man, however, that changes should be made on the basis of the passing fancies and whims but it does mean that changes should be made to improve learning related to clearly stated goals or aims of the course or the subject.
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