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Self Representation Motives
This is a research paper on self representation motives which focuses on the processes, strategies and techniques used to gather information on the research philosophy such as data collection methods, procedures, data analysis e.t.c
language | | english |
wordcount | | 3217 (cca 9 pages) |
contextual quality | | N/A |
language level | | N/A |
price | | free |
sources | | 7 |
Table of contents
Self Representation Motives 1
Introduction 1
Research philosophy 2
Research strategy 3
Participants 4
Data collection methods 5
Data collection procedures 6
The public self-consciousness scale (PSCS) 7
Fear of Negative Evaluation scale 8
Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS) 9
Data analysis 10
References 11
Preview of the essay: Self Representation Motives
Introduction This chapter focuses on the processes, strategies and techniques that were of use in determination of the various aspects of self representation motives in the population. The research philosophy, the research strategy, research methods, population, samples and sampling techniques have been provided. The choice of the methodology approaches selected and used were arrived at after careful examination of the variables and how information relating to them could be extracted while at the same time adhering to the objectives of the study. The methodology focused on the various subsections of the self representation motives associated ...
... interval within which to expect the population proportion (subjective decision) [pic] Standard error of the population (0.05/1.96) PQ= measure of sample dispersion (used here as a measure of population dispersion). [pic] The ratio should not go beyond 0.25 (if p=0.5 is assumed as the percentage picking a choice, then q=0.5 is the confidence interval, and the product is 0.25).Since there was no information regarding the probable value of p, it was assumed that p=0.5 and solve for the sample size (Cooper and Schidler, 2003). n = 60 so with a 95% confidence interval and a 5% margin of error, we need at least 60 persons. According to this minimum sample size, 60 questionnaires were studied as the sample size for this research. N is the number of participants Delta σ is defined as a method of determining the appropriate probability distribution function that can be used in the analysis of data from the perspective of limiting variance.
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Humanistic Studies