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Democratizing Campus Culture Through Debates
This paper presents a discussion on the different forms of debate that are currently being used in campuses. Campus culture on debate is indeed developing through the years.
linguaggio |  | inglese |
numero di parole |  | 2848 (ca. 8 pagine) |
qualità del contenuto |  | N/A |
livello di linguaggio |  | N/A |
prezzo |  | gratis |
bibliografia |  | 0 |
Anteprima della tesi: Democratizing Campus Culture Through Debates
Democratizing Campus Culture Through Debates Spurred by the “flourishing result of a Departmental Debate Competition which held on various occasions”[1], a college-wide debate tournament is in order. This event hopes to develop a healthy culture of debate and a sound logic and communication proficiency among our students in the campus and make them socio-econo-politically perceptive to the issues of the present. It would be impossible not to think of man as not having been embroiled in a debate in whatever form and character. Man after all is by nature a social being which presupposes that no individual can survive without association, for “no man is an island”.[2] The overwhelming proof of man’s natural tendency towards social life is his capacity of speech.[3] If men were meant by nature to be alone, he would ...

... speakers each for the Government and the Opposition. [14] Both the Asian and Astralasian employ three speakers from each side of the Government and opposition. The Gov. has the PM, DPM and Rebuttal speaker while the Opp. has LOP, DLOP and Rebuttal speaker. At the end of the rebuttal speeches from each side, a reply speech is given by the Opp. followed by the Gov. [15] American teachers that have come into the Philippines through a ship named USS Thomas. [16] Bauzon, Priscillano T. Handbook in Public Speaking, Argumentation and Debate (Including Parliamentary Procedures). National Bookstore, Mandaluyong City. 2004, p. 72. [17] Ibid, p. 79. [18] Ibid, p. 73. [19] Ibid, p. 74. [20] Ibid. ----------------------- Debate does not aim to win but to learn. Is argumentation and debate the same?
Tesi presente nelle categorie
Scienze Di Studi umanistici
Studi Economici
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