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Productivity in car manufacturing: what management strategies and styles improve it?

Productivity it is a very important factor for every manufacturing area. Therefore, this study is focuses on management strategies which can significantly improve productivity. The purpose of this work, is to investigate what management strategies are best in car manufacturing area. The study will include MINI(oxford) plant as an case study. The databases and internet articles, were used to find sources for this research. The findings of the study are that MINI manufacturing founded their own complex of strategies, in order to increase productivity through people,''New Oxford Way’’, which includes some extremely effective innovations like empowering employees.

language english
wordcount 3362 (cca 9.5 pages)
contextual quality N/A
language level N/A
price free
sources 15
Table of contents

1.0 Introduction 4
2.0 Literature review 4
2.1 Management strategies to improve productivity through people 5
2.1.1 Training via Job Rotation 5
2.1.2 Increasing motivation 6
2.1.3 Involving top management 7
3.0 Findings 8
3.1 New Oxford Way (NOW) 9
3.2 WINGS 9
3.2.1 Job rotation 9
3.2.2 Teamwork 10
3.2.3 Empowerment to employee 11
4.0 Conclusions 13
Bibliography 14

Preview of the essay: Productivity in car manufacturing: what management strategies and styles improve it?

Productivity it is one of the most important factors, particularly in manufacturing area. According to Cambridge dictionary of the English language, productivity is the speed at which wares or services are produced particularly output per unit of labour. The productivity is affected by many different factors, including work place, the quality of equipment and people. The research is focuses on people management rather than process. The aim of this study is to determine management ways that can considerably improve productivity in the manufacturing area. Firstly they will be explained in theory, and then these strategies will be examined on practice, at MINI Oxford plant. The research is divided into several ...

... through time, MINI started to use them in 2002, and in 2003 MINI won the people management award.
Unfortunately this study cannot provide the more specific information. There is no statistical data which can show numbers of increasing productivity via these strategies. The statistic which exist, show the overall increase in productivity at MINI, not only via people.
Further research is required to investigate others company’s strategies, because as example of MINI shows, there some unique, effective and useful strategies which are not listed in the theoretical books.
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Strategic Management


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