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Guidelines for Writing your Final Proposal for PSY 3311 Research Methods

The entire paper has discussed on the Guidelines for Writing your Final Proposal for PSY 3311 Research Methods.

language english
wordcount 4964 (cca 14 pages)
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Preview of the essay: Guidelines for Writing your Final Proposal for PSY 3311 Research Methods

There are many concerns that go into picking a topic for this type of paper. Remember, this type of paper is different than any other type of paper that you have likely written in the past and requires a lot of forethought. It always helps to discuss your ideas and concerns with the instructor or professors you may know. And hit the library! What do others have to say about your idea? You will likely learn something that will inspire you to make some adjustments. Try to find high quality, recent professional and scientific articles (within the last 3 – 5 years) where someone has summarized recent, associated research. Be prepared to abandon a project ...

... writing includes run-on sentences, and paragraphs without clear topic sentences. Poor writing may include rambling, may be overly simplistic, may overlook important areas of the literature, may be convoluted and may be interpreted differently depending on the reader.
• Consider getting help: have some one who writes and thinks well read and critically evaluate your paper before submitting it for a grade
• Consider building an outline, perhaps using index cards, to place your main ideas and thoughts in logical order.
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