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An argument on the law and the rights of the individual using terrorism as the main reference.
Includes cases and references to laws. Preliminary HSC legal studies.
language |  | english |
wordcount |  | 1032 (cca 2.5 pages) |
contextual quality |  | N/A |
language level |  | N/A |
price |  | free |
sources |  | 3 |
Table of contents
Preview of the essay: Terrorism
Terrorism How effective is the Australian legal system in balancing the rights of the individuals and the power of the state? “It is the contradiction of the law that it takes away our freedom to ultimately make us free” Tony Lastro Power can best be defined as ...
... to be classified as an Australian citizen and therefore if the rights obtain to Australian individuals, how can Muslim’s feel like part of those who should abide my these laws, when it is the place that they call home who makes them ultimately feel like the outsiders?
Essay is in categories
Humanistic Studies
Civil Rights