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Management: Designing and implementing a ergonomics safety program in the work place
People form the most imperative elements of the business process. It is for this reason that it is very expensive when a person becomes injured or is ill for this affects directly on the time that person gives to a certain work and affecting the services that he provides to the organization which may lead to loss. The side effect of work being done in awkward posture with the application of massive effort is that the individual will be fatigued and uncomfortable leading to the damage of blood vessels, and nerves, hence musculoskeletal disorders. To reduce and prevent injuries in the office, business managers and owners use ergonomics as a vital tool. This ensures that the barriers at the place of work that hinder the workers from attaining optimum working at work places are removed to enhance work performance. This requires input from all the staff of all levels to achieve good work environments which are effective, efficient and more productive.
language |  | english |
wordcount |  | 7980 (cca 22 pages) |
contextual quality |  | N/A |
language level |  | N/A |
price |  | free |
sources |  | 20 |
Table of contents
Introduction 1
Literature review 3
Importance of Ergonomics 20
Recommendations 22
References 24
Preview of the essay: Management: Designing and implementing a ergonomics safety program in the work place
The discipline of changing one’s work environment to make the body comfortable and healthy is known as ergonomics. Ergonomics is a wide discipline and has been studied for more than 50 years and has acquired some synonyms in the due course. The term ergonomics has been used interchangeably with human engineering and or human factors. According to Kearney (2008), this discipline has been incorporated to be part of safety in the place of work. Problems associated with Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) are eliminated by proper understanding ...
... having larger size. Work place environment should be adjusted to ensure accident prevention and maximize on safety. Abrupt changes in working hours should be avoided to ensure the workers get adequate sleep. Day shifts ought to be accorded high priority. Corridors and walkways have to be well lit and every dark corner illuminated.
Finally, the sitting arrangement of each worker should be in such a way that every object and equipment that he uses to work be accessible without straining to reach. The chairs provided should be comfortable to work in, stable and safe (Geller, 2001). The worker’s feet should be flat on the floor and the knees placed in a position that is a bit lower than the thighs and hips. The chair should be in a position to face the work being done i.e. it should be parallel to it.
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Human Resources